Caros leitores, compartilho meus poemas publicados em Revista nos Estados Unidos. Translated from the
Portuguese by Tiffany Higgins.
In the navel of the world
I tucked my horse of mud.
In the navel of the world
I hid my marble.
In the navel of the world
hidden boy
hidden boy
plays at hiding
on the other
on the other
side of things wearing
words of foam.
words of foam.
No umbigo do mundo
escondi meu cavalo de barro.
escondi meu cavalo de barro.
No umbigo do mundo
escondi minha bola de gude.
escondi minha bola de gude.
No umbigo do mundo
a criança escondida
brinca de se esconder
do outro lado das coisas
vestindo palavras espumas.
a criança escondida
brinca de se esconder
do outro lado das coisas
vestindo palavras espumas.
In the house of Asterion
myths and pretty maidens
plot against love.
myths and pretty maidens
plot against love.
Gored, Theseus wanders
between walls,
uselessly lucid.
between walls,
uselessly lucid.
Na casa de Asterion
mitos e belas donzelas tramam
contra o Amor.
mitos e belas donzelas tramam
contra o Amor.
Esfaqueado, Teseu perambula entre
as muralhas,
inutilmente lúcido.
as muralhas,
inutilmente lúcido.
para Mário Quintana
From the insolubility of
births a song in stone.
births a song in stone.
While the violet of early
agonizes under my eyes
dug into the lead horizon.
agonizes under my eyes
dug into the lead horizon.
para Mário Quintana
Da insolubilidade das coisas
nasce uma canção petrificada.
nasce uma canção petrificada.
Enquanto a violeta da tarde
agoniza sob meus olhos
fincados no horizonte chumbo.
Cleberton Santos is author of three books of poetry. He is an award-winning poet, a literary critic, and a professor in Santo Amaro, Bahia, Brazil.
Tiffany Higgins is author of And Aeneas Stares into Her Helmet (Carolina Wren Press, 2009), selected by Evie Shockley as winner of the Carolina Wren Poetry Prize. Her poems appear in Poetry, Kenyon Review, Taos Journal of Poetry & Art, From the Fishouse, Catamaran Literary Reader, and other journals. She recently was a resident at Nebraska’s Art Farm. She writes on ecocultural poetics and translates contemporary Brazilian poets. Her translations of the work of Alex Simões are forthcoming in the anthology Writing the Walls Down (Transgenre, 2014).
agoniza sob meus olhos
fincados no horizonte chumbo.
Cleberton Santos is author of three books of poetry. He is an award-winning poet, a literary critic, and a professor in Santo Amaro, Bahia, Brazil.
Tiffany Higgins is author of And Aeneas Stares into Her Helmet (Carolina Wren Press, 2009), selected by Evie Shockley as winner of the Carolina Wren Poetry Prize. Her poems appear in Poetry, Kenyon Review, Taos Journal of Poetry & Art, From the Fishouse, Catamaran Literary Reader, and other journals. She recently was a resident at Nebraska’s Art Farm. She writes on ecocultural poetics and translates contemporary Brazilian poets. Her translations of the work of Alex Simões are forthcoming in the anthology Writing the Walls Down (Transgenre, 2014).
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Um comentário:
Parabéns, Cleberton. Seus poemas ficam bem em inglês, e assim caminham pelo mundo. Um abraço.
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